Node.js Services Style Guide

Here are some libraries that we recommend using to achieve these patterns.


Use AirBnb ES Lint config. Installation and setup steps are documented Add the following rules to your .eslintrc:

  "extends": "airbnb",
  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "node": true,
    "es6": true,
    "mocha": true
  "rules": {
    "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
      "requireReturn": true,
      "requireReturnType": true,
      "requireParamDescription": true,
      "requireReturnDescription": true
    "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
        "require": {
            "FunctionDeclaration": true,
            "MethodDefinition": true,
            "ClassDeclaration": true


Use node-config to externalize service configuration. Make sure NODE_ENV variable is set to local, development or production for configuration of the appropriate environment to be picked up.

See for file load order.

Sensitive data such as API keys and other secrets should NOT be checked into source code unencrypted. Either use git-crypt or pass them via CI / CD process as environment variables.


When it comes to using logging frameworks for Node.js, bunyan and winston are both very good. We chose to go with bunyan because of the ability to create child loggers. Our log helper library tc-core-library-js attaches a child logger to express4 request object. This child logger is provided the request Id. All log entries from the child logger will be annotated with the requestId. This is very useful when debugging requests in production env. tc-core-library-js also supports piping data to Logentries provided LOGENTRIES_TOKEN and CAPTURE_LOGS environment variables are set.

Code snippet to use tc-core-library-js to setup the logger:

// Define and configure app
var app = express();

// add request Id
var addRequestId = expressRequestId();

// init logger
var logger = coreLib.logger({
  name: 'SampleApp',
  level: _.get(config, "logLevel", 'debug').toLowerCase(),
  captureLogs: config.get('captureLogs'),
  logentriesToken: _.get(config, 'logentriesToken', null),
app.use(coreLib.middleware.logger(null, logger));
app.logger = logger;